Did you know that, on average, you're making around 35,000 remotely conscious decisions a day?
Over 200 of which are on FOOD?
Pesto with pasta or avocado toast...pesto with pasta or avocado toast...
As business owners, we're calling the shots almost 100% of the time, which can result in decision fatigue or straight up indecision.
Here's what I know for sure: the faster you decide on ANYTHING, the more time you have to execute that decision then enjoy your damn life LOL.
I love making decisions quickly and confidently so today, I'm showing you my favorite tool to do just that.
If you've ever struggled with making the "right" decision, or want to start making decisions faster, head on over to my YouTube channel to learn how.
Who knows, with this short 3-minute video, you might never have to "sleep on it" again, which means a lot more time and peaceful sleeping as a result :)
All my love,
P.s. Whenever you're done watching, leave a comment on YouTube with any decisions that came through for you, I'd love to know about them!
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