Why I took a bubble bath at 2pm...

A couple weeks ago, I stopped working at 2pm during a launch and took a bubble bath for the rest of the afternoon.

I felt like I'd done enough, meaning that I did the most important things and felt good leaving the rest for the next day.

I could've worked three more hours, I could've done a couple more things, but I knew that it was more important to feel good than to do more.

So I let go of the to-do's and dropped into the to-be's.

I want to be loving.

I want to be peaceful.

I want to be in a feel-good state.

Bath time, dance time, yoga time, meditation time, laughing time, etc. all bring me into this space, and it's the reason I love being alive.

It's the reason I use my planner to map out free flow and relax time to be super clear with myself when I'm not working and will put in all caps FREE FLOW.

It's the reason I maximize my time and creativity by only working a few hours a day and doing so efficiently.

It's the reason I've been super intentional and firm about creating a life and business on my terms because I know what the opposite of that looks like.

But ever since the day we started kindergarten, most of us have been in a state of constant action instead of free flow.

Which is why it's gonna feel like work to not work at first (especially during normal work days or working hours).

It can feel like getting off a treadmill. Like you're still on it when you get off. It takes a moment to ground down and not get dizzy.

That's ok and totally normal, especially if you're an overachiever or you've identified as one in the past (my hand is raised here).

But it’s time to shift from a scarcity mindset with time and money to an abundance mindset and break the cycle of burnout and overwhelm so you can create more freedom in your life.

Letting go of a grind mentality will feel like work at first, and the first step is to stop tying your value to what you're doing. Your worth isn't tied to anything!

Another golden nugget to remember: You didn't start your business to work as much as you did at your other job, you started your own business so you can have fun in your life and do the things that really matter to you.

Besides, people will never remember what you do or what you say more than how you make them feel. You and the way you make people feel is where the worth and the value is.

Our entire reality is created and manifested based off of how WE feel. So 2-day work week anyone? I see myself getting there someday! LOL

Because incubation can sometimes be more of the work than the work itself.

If you're nodding your head or ever feel any elements of guilt, anxiety, or shame when you're not working all the time or doing all the things, know that you can step off that treadmill love. And everything will be ok.

All my love,


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