get more done in less time 🕒

Yesterday, I wrote, reviewed, and finalized about 27 pages of copy in about four hours. There were some images included, so more of a picture book than a novel...but still. I cranked it OUT.

A few years ago though? Finishing something like this would've required me to be in a dark room with a locked door, so bored out of my mind that I would finally surrender to doing it LOL.

Seriously though, cuz I used to procrastinate a lot in college. With three jobs and two majors, urgency was frequent, so I'd do a bit of assignments here, a little there, and then when the pressure started building, I'd finish within hours.

Back then, I used to say, "I perform best under pressure."

When what I probably meant was really, "I perform best when I'm FOCUSED."

By having my own business, with no deadlines but my own, it became super clear to me: without "deadline" pressure, there must be healthy doses of concentrated focus and energy.

That's only one small part of how to get more done in less time, so in this short video I share three other key secrets.

In it, you'll discover...

  • The personal rule that allows me to create more than ever before.

  • A proven, and liberating, law for why hours don't always equal results.

  • How to leave your desk and laptop at the end of the day with no guilt.

  • Why a lime squeeze is a metaphor for getting things done.

  • The mantra that helps me disconnect from work (so good)!

I bet you've got big plans for 2022 and this'll help you get after them with lots of joy and energy :) 

Click here to watch and I hope it brings you a big sigh of relief!

All my love,


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