I was at my computer and had just sent out an email to you guys, when I heard my phone buzz.
Usually I have it on Do Not Disturb, and that was the case yesterday, but somehow this call got through. Thought I should take a look...
It was a NY number, didn't know who, but I picked up. It was the dermatologist's office.
For context, I had my yearly skin screening last week, and was told that all my moles were in the clear. My intuition nudged me to tell them to check one mole once more...just to be sure.
I'd had my eye on it for awhile and had already been told it was "fine" a couple of times.
She asked if it had been changing and I said yes, subtly. So she decided to do a biopsy.
When the secretary called me yesterday she said, "Your biopsy results came back and..."
I was hoping there was no and, just all clear LOL, but she said, "...that mole is severely dysplastic."
To which I thought 'what the hell does that mean?'
She read my mind and told me that we had to remove it to get the pre-cancerous cells out or it could turn into melanoma.
Y'all. I'm only 30. I am a sunscreen whore (just ask my friends). And never been into tanning beds or shit like that. But hey, it runs in my family and the sun rays get through more than they used to.
Here's the miracle: I caught it early because I trusted my INTUITION.
If anything else, that's one of the main reasons I do what I do. I want to show you how to stop listening to everyone else and start tuning into YOUR truth, YOUR gut hits, YOUR inner wisdom...
Because when you live that way, you change lives, feel aligned, and sometimes save your own damn life.
DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT look to other people for all the answers. You have most of them inside you already. And my hope is that you’ll drop into that inner wisdom more than you've ever done before. Here’s what’ll happen when you do…
You'll discover a renewed sense of who you are and why you're here.
You'll create the vibes to attract more money into your life with irresistible energy.
You'll feel like you can trust yourself and your connection with Universe with your LIFE.
You'll leave fear on the curb and be able to develop relationships with a fully open heart.
You'll be able to clear yourself from energetic blocks and lead the way for other women to do the same.
You'll even start to heal your own lineage of generational bullshit. Nothing like energetically liberating your own abuela from the shackles of her pain, amiright?
Look. I'd be lying if I told you that this phone call didn't scare me. It totally did. And I'm using my own Energy Queen techniques to heal and recover. It's my superpower and I'd love to share it with you <3
If you want in on that, click here to apply for one of my programs.
All my love,
P.s. Don't wait for a wake-up call like that to start living a life that you're ecstatic about. Decide that now's your time. Now's your moment to shine. If you want guidance with all that and more, I truly hope you join me in one of my programs.
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