When I was a kid, I was VERY vocal about how I felt and what I wanted to do when I was at home. So much so, that I sometimes got extra emotional and angry if I wasn't able to do or say what was coming through me in that moment.
"I wanna play outside!" - Me. "It's dinner time, honey, you can play outside after." - Mom & Dad. "But I wanna go NOW." - Me.
Just as a side note, high five to all you parents out there with stubborn children, cuz I was definitely one of them! Don't worry it gets better LOL.
Eventually, my mom gave me a set of old phone books (remember those?) to rip up so that I could channel and express my emotions healthily when I was upset. I actually wish I still had some haha, such a release!
But sometimes? We learn to stuff down our truest expressions and emotions in fear that it might be TOO MUCH or NOT ENOUGH. Rage? Too much. Calm? Not enough. It's madness though, right?
Cuz in reality, there is no such thing as too much or not enough! You're either FULLY EXPRESSED or NOT FULLY EXPRESSED. Fully you or not fully you. There is no quantity or measuring unit that can determine those things...
Except for how you feel. Do you feel at peace with yourself and the way you move through life? Do you feel expanded by the things you speak about and the actions you take? How true to you do you feel?
If you're not feeling fully expressed quite yet, or feel like you're bottling part of yourself up, this video might help.
In it, I share...
Three questions that will help you determine what areas of your life need more of your truest expression.
How to turn "taboo" or "out there" topics into fearless and authentic expression.
Ways to bring in that fully alive energy into your life every single day.
Click here to watch, and remember that the world needs more of who you really are so kick back, relax, and know that you're always enough and never too much <3
Here's to that!
All my love,
P.s. If you're digging this topic, you'll love my new masterclass dropping soon. All about how to create an abundance of cash, clients, and freedom in your business, aka how to be FULLY EXPRESSED and get paid for it, yes!
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