On Monday, I did something that was incredibly thrilling to me. Something that felt so expansive in my body that chills kept running up and down my spine. You wanna guess what it was?
Not a rollercoaster ride, not bungee jumping, not even going on a new adventure outside the city.
I went to Staples. LOL. Usually not a heart-pumping joy ride. But THIS time...
This time, I had something to print. Something extraordinary, special, and never seen before.
It was my Energy Queen Handbook.
Y'all when I tell you I was shaking, I mean it. I was equal parts nervous and excited. NERVE-CITED.
I printed out one first to see how it looked, and when the pages came out, I held them in my hands and my soul whispered a giant yes. This is it.
Like love at first sight. That deep knowing that this was exactly where I needed to be. At Staples on a rainy Monday night.
I changed a few things after that first print, turned the font color black instead of gray, added in some more bolded headlines...
But the soul essence was already there. The deepest work was complete. What a feeling.
This is what happens when you create soul work from a space of full expression, not holding back, not shrinking yourself, not trying to fit in or seem put together, but laying it all out for the world to see.
Last year I wasn't even that public about my energy healing superpowers, so to hold something like this in my hands, the ancient and intuitive wisdom that is Energy Queen, was a moment.
To everyone else around me printing, it was just another 10 pages of paper, nothing out of the ordinary. But to me, it was a soul masterpiece. A symbol of my open heart, open mind, and trust in myself.
If anything else, I want to leave a legacy where I know I put it all out there, was totally true and honest, shared the most magical parts of me, all with no holding back.
Do you resonate with that? Then this YouTube video is for you.
In this video, I share...
Three questions to ask if you think you're holding back.
An exercise that'll connect you with a younger, sometimes wiser, version of yourself.
Two prompts to help take other people's feelings and opinions out of the equation.
Click here to watch so that you can do your deepest soul work with no inhibitions <3
All my love,
P.s. Want more of this? Then Energy Queen might be for you.
Here's a quick breakdown of the program :)
Part One: Energy Awareness - Start your journey with quantum physics and subtle energy practices to open up and drop deeply into the body. From here you'll become hyper-aware of what you want to heal, clear, or expand. You'll also dive into intuitive, body-based decision-making so you know you're always in alignment.
Part Two: Energy Cleansing - Clear any energetic gunk out with practices from my Mexican lineage along with other Latin American energy cleansing techniques. You've probably never done this stuff before and it's so effective!
Part Three: Energy Healing - Discover the 20+ tools and techniques in my energy healing repertoire and witness live demos of it in action. You'll uncover the ins and outs of how to become your own healer followed by some space to restore with an expert-led sound bath.
Part Four: Energy Protection - Transform energy leaks into energetic boundaries with my unique set of tools. Time to seal in all the beautiful energy you've created, my love.
Part Five: Energy Mastery - Amplify your energy by attuning it to your next level money and business goals. We'll bring it all home with ancestral healing and a closing ceremony.
Want in? Go here to sign up so that you can do your own deep soul work with no inhibitions <3
P.p.s. Wanna see what the Staples pick-up moment looked like? Here's a snapshot! Get your hands on this beautiful book and program and click here to join Energy Queen.
If you’re new here, welcome! I’m so glad we’re connected! Just so you know, I send weekly blogs like this to my email list and sometimes don’t post it up on my website until awhile after. If you don’t wanna miss a thing, click here to sign up for that inbox party! There’s a few free welcome gifts on the inside :)