How to Uplevel Your Self-Worth 💸

I remember the moment I decided to quadruple my rates a few years ago. I was so NERVOUS but also knew it was the way to go. Intuitively, my body just felt it...

Not only was it better for my clients, since more skin in the game usually means better results for them, but it also allowed me to do so much more in the world. More meetups, more content, more giving...

Overnight, I made it real. And it stands as the best business decision I've ever made.

Booked out to me looks like 3-5 clients a week, not 10-15. Freedom looks like 3-5 working hours a day, with Fridays off, so max 20 hours a week, not the traditional 40-50 hours.

And I don't follow the news or economics very often, but I'm aware that there's a lotta talk about inflation and such. Even so, I still feel comfortable with my rates.

This has been my pricing journey and it may or may not be similar to yours because pricing is so personal! But if you've been feeling the itch to raise your rates and uplevel your self-worth, this video is for you.

In it, I share...

  • Five questions to ask when you want to raise your rates.

  • An energy practice to help you increase your self-worth.

  • Guidance to help you embody the feeling of being 'worth it.'

Click here to watch and remember, when you make more money, the world becomes a better place :)

All my love,


P.s. Energy Queen tickets are 1/2 way sold out! We'll be covering this topic at the event because money is so tied to energetic frequency, so if you love this, and want to dive deeper, get your ticket here.

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