The Link Between Your Lineage & Your Legacy

Whenever people try to guess my ethnicity, I have to laugh. I get everything from Greek to Thai to Colombian to IDK lol.

This was confusing for me as a kid, but today I stand very proud in who I am: a bicultural Latina who's a mix of my mom's Mexican and my dad's German-American blood. I like to think of it as the best of both worlds!

And with Hispanic Heritage Month coming up on Friday and Mexican Indepence Day on Saturday, I've been thinking a lot about my lineage, especially on my mom's side.

There's also a very special family space in Mexico that we're cleaning out at the end of the month...something that's one of the last physical spaces linked to my abuelita.

Her shop.

If you've been with me on this journey for awhile, you know that my Mexican grandmother, Blanca Rosa González de Ruiz, has been a huge influence on my entrepreneurial path.

Not only was she the first entrepreneur that I ever met, but she's also a spiritual guide in my business.

She passed ten years ago on May 31st, 2013, a week after my 21st birthday and only started coming through when I moved to New York in the fall of 2019.

The first time we reconnected spiritually was during a visualization where I was on a bridge in the jungle and when I crossed it, she was there on the other side...

Ever since that moment, she's come through in cards, symbols, messages, and an overall energetic presence of love, especially in the times when I need her most.

And with all her decades of experience selling beautiful ceramics, jewelry, and artisanal items in her tienda down in Mexico, she's shaped my legacy of helping other women make great money doing what they love.

The link between lineage and legacy is pretty strong for me, and not just in the family lineage sense. I also have a more extensive soul lineage informing my work <3

I explain more about that in-depth down below so if you want to uncover or deepen the link between your lineage and legacy then you'll love today's YouTube video.

In it, you'll discover...

- 3 types of lineage, two of which people don't normally talk about. 
- How to use all three as a foundation to build your legacy.
- What to do if you don't feel connected to your blood lineage.

Click here to watch so you can use your lineage as your superpower <3

All my love,


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