What I'm doing before my birthday ๐ŸŽ‚

I need to finish packing for Tampa, but before I do, I wanted to share one of my favorite birthday rituals with you!

Obvs one of them is eating birthday cake with people I love, but unfortunately I can't send you a slice in this email.

Who knows, maybe when I turn 50 that'll be a thing LOL. But this ritual is a little more sentimental and nostalgic...

And yes, my b-day is technically still two weeks away (May 24th, woo!), but so many of my people are Tauruses or Geminis with birthdays right before or after mine so I felt called to send this out now <3

If you also have a May or summer birthday, I know you're gonna love this, but if you have a different birthday, this is still a fun thing to do at any time of year. You can potentially use this as a half-birthday check-in!

This week, I even did it with a client and it brought loving tears to our eyes, so it's a powerful one. If you want in on that, this video is for you.

In it, I share...

- A gentle meditation to journey through the past year.
- Visualization to set up for the year ahead.
- Fun birthday energy to get your party started!

Click here to watch and here's to another year baby! 

All my love,


P.s. I do a little singing in the video, but not the birthday song...write back and let me know if you know the song I'm talking about! 

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