"It was a life-changing experience ๐Ÿ’œ"

By now, you've probably scrolled through the Queen Bee Hive sales page or read my emails about it, but today I want you to feast your eyes on words from someone other than me...

Over the years, when I've asked people for testimonials of their experience in my groups, I've gotten an emphatic YES cuz they can't wait to reflect and share about what's been most meaningful to them. For today, I picked two that really stood out to me...

Not just because of the immense professional and personal growth I've seen them both undergo, but also because there's so much wisdom, love, and truth in their words.

Read on to see if you can find the loving bits of inspiration from these beautiful souls <3

"During my time in the Queen Bee Hive , I've gained clarity about what lights up my soul and where I want to place focus for my business at this time. It's been pivotal to honoring my spiritual self and entrepreneurial self, and returning to my body for wisdom. On top of that, Kimbo is a total phrase queen and has been instrumental in wording my offerings to attract the clients I really want to work with.

I started offering my personalized Self-Love retreats and have plans to incorporate nature-based ceremony work later this year.
I'm also jazzed to share that I started a group program called Soulful Supervision for therapists, filled it, and everyone is continuing for the next 6-month cycle! We ended this cycle with a smashing circle, it was EPIC!

Along with this professional growth, there has been deep, deep personal growth. As Kimbo taught me, being a business owner is one of the most spiritual journeys you can embark on. Iโ€™m so grateful I took the leap and said yes. Yes to myself - my business - my calling "

- Kelly Gonynor, Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist + Self-Love Coach


"Before deciding to sign up for group coaching, I wasn't sure if I could commit to a monthly investment and what the outcome of investment would look like for me. It was my first group coaching program so I didn't know what to expect in terms of group interaction and support. It was a life-changing experience, and I'm so glad I took the chance to work with Kimberly in such a safe container of badass women with big, audacious goals. They were the best support system of cheerleaders!

I grew in ways I couldn't have imagined. I gained so much insight and wisdom from everyone including myself. I didn't realize I needed that container to be able to blossom and 
I was blown away by how it gets to be so easy! You can choose to focus on what's not working or you can choose to focus on what's working and do more of that. I got to simplify a lot of things. I birthed new goals and became a coach with my own clients while in Kimberly's program. I grew my e-commerce business and my fans. I stepped into my more authentic voice and self and was able to take charge of my life and business in a way I wasn't able to do before.

My business was even featured in Project Hatch, Business Insider, and Money! When joining a coaching program, be open to what a transformation can look like for you (and others). Not only are you bringing your voice and wisdom to the group, they will also be bringing their support and guidance. Growth is both sudden as well as gradual -- follow your intuition and if it's telling you to join, go for the opportunity! These opportunities come at the time that you need them and they're meant to be an answer to your innermost desires for growth, sisterhood, and empowerment. Kimberly truly cares about you and holds space for all your ups and downs. You'll be supported so deeply, and you'll have fun!"

- Rubeena Ianigro, Human Design Expert + Founder of The Gray Muse

So beautiful, right? And I can honestly say that, after more than three years of running groups like this, everyone who comes in is absolutely jaw-droppingly amazing. The talent, the love, the fun, the support, I've never experienced anything like it in any other program!

If something is tugging at your heart telling you that the Queen Bee Hive might be where you'll grow your business to heights you couldn't have imagined, feel money and time abundant, and wake up each day having 'pinch me' moments that this is your life, then click here to sign up.

This crew will be SO ecstatic to welcome you in on the inside, whether you've just started your business or been in business for years now.

Have a beautiful weekend and I hope to see you in there <3

All my love,


P.s. Interested in the Queen Bee Hive but got questions? Email them to me at info@kimberlylucht.com so we can see if it's the right fit for you!

If youโ€™re new here, welcome! Iโ€™m so glad weโ€™re connected! Just so you know, I send weekly blogs like this to my email list and sometimes donโ€™t post it up on my website until awhile after. If you donโ€™t wanna miss a thing, click here to sign up for that inbox party! Thereโ€™s a few free welcome gifts on the inside :)