Meditation for When You Feel Overwhelmed 🤍

In the past few weeks, I've had a lot going on and maybe you have as well! For me, it started off with two back-to-back visits. First with one of my best friends (we got to see Beyoncé OMG) and then with my parents.

So fun, right? Yes! And also...exhausting! Especially because I was doing a voluntary homeopathic gut treatment at the exact same time, which wasn't cute LOL.

One of my arms got so swollen at one point I even had trouble putting a normal sleeve on!

And if you're wondering why the hell a gut cleanse caused a swollen arm, I was just as confused until I found out that the lower gut, the heart, and the arms all fall on the same meridian in Chinese Medicine. I'm living proof haha.

'Twas a whirlwind, but here's what's important: I feel great now and I got to spend time with people I love. Even if it wasn't perfect.

I could've let all those things colliding at once send me into all the other life and business things that go on in my day-to-day.

And I definitely had moments where I thought, "What should I do?" when I felt at a loss. "Is this supposed to swell? Should I go to urgent care? Should I stay home all day? Ugh, this is bad timing!"

But then I came back to this truth: Life is all about multiple things happening at once.

Sometimes those multiple things are all good and exciting. Sometimes it's more of a mixed salad of the good and bad...and with the right support, we can hold it all as it comes our way <3

Wanna feel like you have more capacity for everything going on in your life and business? Then you're gonna love today's YouTube video.

In it, I share...

- Wise metaphors to help you live a full life.

- A gentle meditation for calm amidst the chaos.

- Simple ways to flip the script on overwhelm.

Click here to watch and remember that when you feel overwhelmed, that's a sign that there's a lot of blessings, maybe mixed in with some challenges, flowing into your life. What a beautiful thing <3

All my love,


P.s. Are you a coach or healer who wants less overwhelm and more money + time abundance? Then you gotta check out my free class! It's perfect if you've got a full life cuz you can pick the slot that works best for you :)

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