planet magic 🪐

Last night, I was chatting with a friend of mine and I started riffing about the present astrological transits in effect and the ones coming up.

We have a Mercury retrograde starting on November 25th and Jupiter also happens to be retrograde. Not only that, but Pluto moves into Aquarius on November 19th and will stay there for two decades.

To explain that a bit, Pluto has been in Capricorn, the sign of patriarchy, government, and economic systems, since 2008 when we had the Great Recession.

Pluto, while not considered a planet anymore, is still actively in orbit around the sun and is known to be the "planet" that shines a light on our shadows, both as individuals and as a society.

It can feel even more exposing and unsettling when Pluto is in a sign known to favor tradition, which could be why so many incredibly divisive topics have been so heavily debated over the last 16 years.

Last week, as the Pluto in Capricorn transit started coming to a close and was 13 days away from passing the baton to Aquarius, it had its final bow and grand finale with the election. What a way to go out!

But Pluto technically also had a brief stint in Aquarius over the summer, when Kamala became the democratic candidate.

Think of Aquarius as the community-oriented rebel of the zodiac, which feels pretty fitting for some leaders that rose up around that time.

The energy, enthusiasm, and edge that got unleashed was a taste of what's to come but that simmered down when Pluto went retrograde and back into Capricorn in early September, right after the electrifying DNC. 

Astrology doesn't necessarily cause global events to occur but I believe that it can influence them. Everything is energy and the stars and planets are no different.

The pandemic just so happened to coincide with Saturn (a planet that whips us into shape with challenges and roadblocks) going into Aquarius (the sign that rules public health, community gatherings, and mechanisms for freedom - if you don't remember, that stuff kinda went up in flames lol).

Aquarius is also an air sign and the literal air we breathe came into question. You can't make this stuff up!

That's why looking at the transits of the planets can be SO helpful for planning ahead when you don't know exactly where to go or what to do next in your business or career.

If you wanna know some of the astrological components that I personally look at when I'm scheduling my year, month, or week out, then you're gonna love this video.

In it, I share...

- Two major components of your chart that can affect your business.
- An astrological transit to be aware of so you don't run into roadblocks.
- One planet that can bring you more expansion, luck, and fortune. 

Watch it on YouTube and use this as a springboard to plan for 2025! 

Love and hugs, 


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