Last night, we were celebrating Angelo's birthday at our favorite Italian restaurant in the city and I got my usual: cappellacci di zucca.
Side note: I almost misspelled capellacci even though I've been getting the same dish from the same place for almost two years LOL.
There's a double P and a double C? My version (capellaci) didn't look right but I was still surprised haha.
After a starter salad, the plate arrived and I noticed how perfectly handmade each piece of pasta was...
Not too thick, not too thin, delicate but firm at the same time. And then I took a bite...tastebuds felt like they were softening into heaven.
Three forkfuls in, I noticed myself future-tripping into the next few days and even into the next few weeks when I'll be in Italy (more pasta!) within the span of five seconds. It's wild how quickly the mind can travel!
I noticed, took a deep breath, and returned my presence back to my meal, because I know there's plenty of time for planning and productivity. Even on breaks, our brains and our society naturally gravitate to it.
But pleasure? It can feel more fleeting, at least for me. So when pleasure is right in front of my face and in my direct experience, I love to drop in, melt into my body, and feel into sensations like touch, taste, and smell.
There's a lot of visual and auditory stimulation in the world so I tend to tune that stuff out while I'm eating but there can be so much pleasure in those senses too.
Staring out at the clouds, listening to the sound of the waves, which are things we did yesterday too actually cuz birthday b*tch, I mean birthday beach!
Do you ever feel like you have to choose between pleasure or productivity? I feel you. And at the same time, I've noticed that when I fully commit to one or the other, they tend to support each other.
It's like models on a runway. You have one model taking up space at the front of the runway at a time. Not two, definitely not three. They would clash and collide into each other!
When you give productivity the runway, it might look like setting up or planning ahead, being fully focused on the task at hand, and then getting it done with a sense of fulfillment.
When you give pleasure the runway, it might look like closing your eyes, tuning into the sound of your breath, and fully experiencing whatever is directly in front of you in that moment.
Do you notice a througline for each scenario? Presence. Without which you'd be working while also wishing you were at the pool or you'd be at the beach thinking about work. Those two don't mix well, do they?
Which is why it's a relief when you choose between pleasure OR productivity and decide to be in that energy fully for however long it suits you, whether that's five minutes or five hours.
Do you tend to toggle between the two incessantly? Over time, you might notice yourself missing out on the depth of pleasure AND the depth of productivity. Not fun!
If you want help sinking fully into your pleasure energy (which will probs create an uptick in productivity energy later on but you don't ever need to justify your pleasure so forget I said anything lol) then you'll love this video.
In it, you'll discover...
- Gentle self-massage practices to return to your body.
- A pleasure meditation that feels like a summer breeze.
- Touch and sound practices to tap into your honey-filled energy.
Watch it on YouTube and remember that pleasure and productivity can support and even amplify each other when they have their own runway and aren't interrupting each other's catwalk <3
Love and hugs,
P.s. I've got the Queen Bee Hive group coaching session this afternoon and we're covering one of my favorite topics: The Money Honey Spot. This is the place where your purpose and profit intersect, where you feel fully alive, and where your heart and bank account expand simultaneously <3
It's also the place where you feel deep pleasure and honey-dripping love for the way you live, the people you serve, and the work that you do. If you want more of that vibe in your business, apply for a complimentary Money, Honey Session with me and we'll see how you can infuse that goodness into your day-to-day :)
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