"We tend to pee our pants laughing on group calls" 🤣

If you think I'm funny in writing, just wait til you see me hyped up on a Money Honey Hive call! LOL 

But seriously, when I ask people what the best part of this group is, there's a lot of agreement on one common throughline...see if you can pick it out below :)

"Definitely the community! The unconditional love and support from Kimberly and all the other Queen Bees is unparalleled. It feels like such a safe space for me to voice any struggles or questions. Everyone is so good at being each other's cheerleaders!"
- Meghan Cornett, Sound Healer, Yoga Teacher, & Reiki Practitioner

"Kim attracts the best humans! I adore our 1-on-1 sessions *the best* but the group is incredible. I'm obsessed with all the women and learn so much from them! Also, we tend to pee our pants laughing on group calls because these women just GET each other. We laugh so much on calls it's insane, which makes it the most fun process ever!”
- Ally Gower, Writer & Creative Strategist

“Every time we have a group coaching session I feel invigorated and meet amazing women who I’m blown away by. It helps validate my plan and keep me going!”

- Alexandra Daks, Founder of Ready Set Party!

Did you pick out the common theme? To me, it's the hive mind energy and sacred community! Also the LOL moments that we have all together!

If something's nudging you towards the Money Honey Hive, it might be for a reason! Who knows who you'll meet, the ideas you'll get, and the revenue you’ll create. The only way to find out is to click here and sign up <3

This epic circle of women will be overjoyed to welcome you on the inside! You'll feel the unconditional love and support from me and the group pretty much immediately :) 

Have a beautiful weekend ahead and I hope to see you in there <3

All my love,


If you’re new here, welcome! I’m so glad we’re connected! Just so you know, I send weekly blogs like this to my email list and sometimes don’t post it up on my website until awhile after. If you don’t wanna miss a thing, click here to sign up for that inbox party! There’s a few free welcome gifts on the inside :)