After years of paying close attention to how people words things, I'm convinced that there is one single thing that kills your confidence faster than anything else. Some coaches call it 'compare and despair' syndrome. I call it ‘I'M NOT LIVING MY BEST LIFE BUT EVERYONE ELSE IS!!!’ syndrome.
My Number One Life Lesson
Filling Your Cup
Love is a hot commodity, but these days can seem scarce, regardless of whether you're single or not. Well, much like the fountain of life, love is infinite and ever-flowing, but it all has to start with you filling your own cup. Here are some ideas to kickstart your celebration of (self)-love this year.
Healing Your Hypocrisy
Are you a hypocrite? My hope is that your answer is yes after reading this. Hypocrisy is not a bad thing. Our culture has made it into an undesirable characteristic. This has created a fabricated rhythm of life where everyone strives to be as consistent and unwavering as the law of gravity. But that is outright impossible. Because guess what. We are all hypocrites.