How to super-charge your day...

Greetings from Budapest!

I'm not at my computer right now because...I didn't bring it.

Scratch that, I refused to bring it.

Partly because the last time I took my computer abroad the charging port got scorched (and then stopped charging).

Don't worry I found an expert Mac repair dude that fixed my computer out of his parent's house in Buenos Aires. HA.

But mainly, I didn't bring it because I needed a BREAK.

Even if you love what you do, you need WHITE SPACE.

Cuz we're like sponges.

At some point, you physically can't absorb more water, which could be a metaphor for information, hours worked, etc.

If you don't give yourself time and space to breathe, you get a little thing I like to call sopping sponge syndrome...

Meaning you'll be less productive, efficient, and effective at whatever you're doing because you can't, for the life of you, absorb any more water.  

Bogged down with all the to-do's in your head? Take a break and squeeze out your excess water (aka anxiety, grogginess, or overwhelm)!

That way, when you come back to your priorities of the day, you'll be at your best.

Bottom line: optimal performance requires that you give your mind space from the go, go, go!

So here are my golden rules to avoid sopping sponge syndrome and, for that matter, burnout:

1. NEVER work and eat at the same time. I don't care how much you have to do. Power down, step away from the screen, and pay attention to how DELICIOUS your food is!

I used to think I didn't have time to do that. But when I step away and enjoy my food, I come back with a blank slate and do better, much more focused, work!

A 15-minute meal where I focus on my food can save me from an hour of distracted, scattered work. Because multi-tasking never does you a favor. I promise. Do one thing at a time and it'll change your life.

2. Make it rain and SWEAT! Because you're literally squeezing excess water out of your body when you do! Like a sponge, you'll totally increase absorption rates, not to mention your soaring productivity.

No time for class? Either find the time or do a 10-minute meditation. I have an app I've been using for a while and it says I've meditated 105 hours.

Some people might say, "That's 105 hours I could've spent applying to jobs!" I say, that's 105 hours spent in genius mode: when you stop thinking and just breathe. Maybe that's why your best ideas come while you're on a walk or in the shower! 

3. Have a STRICT CURFEW for all devices. I don't touch my computer after 6pm (unless I have a masterclass).

And I literally tuck my phone into some drawers across the room around 10pm (which also helps me wake up because I have to get up to shut off the alarm). 

Once you tuck that phone in, you can read a book, stare at the ceiling, cuddle with your dog. I don't care! But just don't, I repeat DON'T, open the drawer.  

Ahhhh, feel that? A freshly squeezed sponge! I love that feeling... 

Now let's indulge and enjoy some white space. 

Lovely, right?

I figured I'd give your tired eyes a break...

Hope you liked it,


P.s. Wanna travel in my suitcase? Here's the next best thing.

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