My magical move to New York...

I'm moving to New York City today and as I sit here writing to you, waiting for my 3:15 flight, I feel grateful (and scared shitless) that I'm about to make this jump.

Moving to NY is different than every other move I've made...

When I moved to Bloomington, it was to attend Indiana University, when I moved to Peru & Spain, it was to study abroad, when I moved to San Francisco & Panama, it was to work for and then direct an incredible non-profit. 

But this? 

This was my choice. 100%.

It's the first city I've ever consciously picked out as my new home. Every other place I've lived in came as an awesome side dish of the organization I was involved with. Package deal!

But this decision was controlled by no other force but me. No program, no organization, just me and my biz, which I can luckily build from anywhere...

Every time I visited NY this year, I always felt this magnetic essence, this draw, an energetic pull I couldn't explain, but it was clear I needed to be there. 

So I listened. 

Because I know one thing to be true: when you follow what energizes your heart, body, and intuition, doors start magically opening for you, like landing my dream apartment before I even set foot in the city...

I was prepared for the worst, after hearing dozens of stories about finding a home in NY: a never-ending list of open houses, applying for a place only to get declined, seeing a spot listed and then get snatched within the same hour...

House hunting is definitely not why people move to New York LOL.

But I was intent on finding a way to make the process joyful. Cuz feeling good about any situation attracts even more good.

So my roommate (who's been living there for a few years) went to see something Friday, we applied, and we got it. 

It wasn't the long grueling process I thought it would be, shit I didn't even have to do anything! This was virtually effortless... 

Like this morning, after I did my last rounds of packing, I pulled a goddess card. When I saw the one I pulled, I burst into tears.

Aine: Leap of Faith

"Take a risk, and put your heart's desire into action!"

Procrastinating about your dreams won't make them go away. Neither will it make them happen. Indecision is the death of the soul's burning passion to improve, grow, and learn. Don't worry about making a wrong decision. Instead, worry about making no decision at all! Then take time to pray, meditate, investigate, research, go on nature walks...and make your decision.

Once made, the universal energies will immediately support your decision, and 
doors will successively open as if by magic. The magic, you see, is that you've set your mind to accomplish something. And this intention is what sets you on your magical journey.

Trust that the universe will support you in all ways. Trust that your intention is clear and right for you. And then take a leap of faith and jump fully and squarely into the midst of putting your dreams into action. Don't hesitate or delay a moment longer!

Various Meanings: Your dream will come true, your chosen path is the right one for you, heaven supports you fully on your mission, your material needs will be taken care of, take action steps toward the realization of your dream, break your dream into achievable baby steps so that it's easier to keep going. 

There have been so many signs just today that I'm on the path I'm meant to be my Dad drove me to the airport we were talking about my incredible apartment find and he said, "You lucked out!" 

We laughed cuz that's how you say our last name, Lucht (never changing it...duh).

Two seconds later we passed a truck with four leaf clovers and the name "Luckey" plastered all over it...

What the hell are the chances??? Slim...but the signs? They're all around. 

You might be navigating some waves of change right now, maybe you're moving too, maybe you're starting a new chapter in your life, maybe you're going back to school...

But I know that if you follow what energizes you most, you will always be supported no matter where life takes you.  

Follow the signs. When things just start "happening" you'll know you're onto something ;)  

All my love,


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