Can you guess what these are?

Two years ago, I picked out three things that hold people back from making more money. I call these the 'three G's of money dis-ease.'

When you see these three G's in action, or even just one of them, it causes the opposite of flow and ease with your money.

Can you guess what they are?

Well you get extra credit if you can, but luckily you don't have to.

Because you can find out what they are right here...

  1. Guilt

  2. Greed

  3. Grip

Feel guilty when you spend or receive money? Find ways to hoard it for yourself? Grip onto it because you think you don’t have enough? These are the three G’s of money dis-ease.

Take a deep breath, forgive these patterns, and know that the awareness of them will help you move forward into money ease. More where that came from <3

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