I don’t know about you…but I’m feeling quarter twoooo!!
It’s a new quarter y’all! For me that usually means hitting the refresh button and having a nice reboot for the system. After the frenzy of goal-fetish quarter one, sometimes quarter two can feel a little less fast-paced and more focused. What three things are most important to you right now? How can your time and energy shift more onto those things?
Cuz I know one thing: refreshing our goals every week, month, and quarter is one of the best ways to make sure we’re still aligned with them.
Feeling that? Then SING ALONG WITH ME: I don't know about you! But I'm feeling quarter twooooooo!
Hope you sang that to the '22' tune. Fun fact...that song actually came out when I was 22! Cool right? And I'm no T-Swift fan, but I'm a synchronicity lover and I know some of you are T-Swift obsessed so obviously had to stick that in.
Anyways, I hope y’all start this quarter two out with a juicy meditation, some feel-good goal setting, and then get into it making those goals a reality.
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