Me on TV (with a bit of a twist) LOL

"I have a feeling I'm gonna be on TV sometime soon..."

That's what I told my boyfriend in December of 2020. I couldn't really explain the mechanics of how it would happen. I just kinda knew...

Fast forward to me getting invited to speak on a local Miami TV show in the spring, about five months after I made that declaration. Um...WHAT?

The day of my interview though came with a bit of a twist. I had a low-grade fever LOL.

And if you know me, you know I don't cancel any professional commitments unless there's an apocalypse (or a pandemic in the case of my March 20th, 2020 event last year LOL).

Even THEN, I didn't cancel the event, just took it online (and thinking of doing a live, in-person addition to that).

This fever though? ROUGH. Woke up feeling fine but then, body aches, couldn't sit up for more than five minutes, my face looked a bit gray HA.

Because I'm normally never sick, I wasn't sure what to do to feel better fast. So I laid in bed for as long as I could then layered on some good old-fashioned makeup to make me look alive and well (yay concealer LOL).

The result?

See for yourself by watching my TV clip here.

Screen Shot 2021-07-07 at 1.10.05 PM.png

My portion starts around the 7-minute mark :)

Can you spot my fever? Hope not!



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