On May 24th, 1992, another shameless Gemini was born. Me. Kimbo Spice. Or as my birth certificate claims, Kimberly Ann Lucht.
I obviously don't remember anything about this day, but if I did, I would've probably thought they should play that stadium anthem as I came out, the one that goes, "Y'ALL READY FOR THIS." Hahhhhaa.
Cuz I practically shot out of the womb LOL.
Within six hours of my mom's water breaking, I was out and about. At exactly 9:23pm California time, making me a Gemini, Sag rising, and Pisces moon (I like knowing these things about people so for all you curious astro folk).
And my sister? She was out in two. Yes two HOURS.
My dad tried to warn the nurses that my mom had babies FAST, but the hospital staff didn't believe him so the doctor arrived barely in time to catch my little sister as she popped out, like OMG.
The Lucht girls have no time to waste (LAUGHING AS I WRITE hA).
BUT HEY. We've been told pregnancy, labor, and motherhood are not always easy. And man, is that true sometimes! But what if it could be a little easier?
When I think about it, a lot of things can be easier than we’ve been told. Where in your life might that be true? Your business, career, family, relationship or something else?
Just some food for thought :)
All my love,
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