peed my pants (twice) 😓

I was INTENSE about school as a kid.

I never missed a day (until 10th grade...story for another time) and, even though I got near perfect grades, I had anxiety when it came to raising my hand in class (the origin of which I'm not sure of to this day).

I was SUPER shy and definitely didn't imagine that I'd grow up to be posting videos on Instagram in bunny ears (hilarious).

So in gym class one day, when I was in first or second grade, I was caught with a dilemma. Wait until the square dance lesson was done (yes they did that in Texas) or raise my hand to go pee.

I thought I could hold it. I didn't want to interrupt this hoedown. But I did anyway. Cuz I peed in the middle of the dance floor LOLOLOL. Omg talk about MORTIFIED. 

I waited WAY too long to go pee and I missed the mark.

My mom recalls that I cried about it when she picked me up. Poor little Kimbo...I also have a very vivid memory of the orange cones circling my pee HAHAHA OMG. Literally LAUGHING as I write this!

Wish that was the only time that happened but it's not.

The second was worse...cuz it involved carpet, not gym floor linoleum.

As I was in the library obsessing about all the books I was gonna check out (I think I had twenty of them in my arms), I realized I needed to pee, maybe a bit too late...but I didn't wanna leave my books behind until I checked them out.

So I went up to the counter, and while the librarian scanned the 15th book, I peed my pants.

Note that I never wore actual pants as a kid either. I wore neon-colored leggings and pastel dresses on top (wtf?). If I had known that wearing leggings would be cool in a decade, I would've stuck with it. ALAS.

In both cases, I thought I could make the cutoff. Hit the deadline. But peed right past it. Ever happen to you?


And the last thing I want is for you to miss the mark if you're pee-your-pants excited about growing your coaching business. Rich & Soulful Coach will help you do just that!

I love to help people make feel-good decisions easily and quickly, so if you've got a feeling Rich & Soulful Coach is for you, trust your gut and click here to sign up now.

All my love,


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