My coffee tragedy...

I was 15 when I started thinking I might not fit into the 9-5 box.

My dad had asked me to refill his cup of coffee, so I got to "make" coffee for the first time in my life. 

He asked for a spoonful of sugar in it, so I put one in.

When I gave him his cup back, he said 'thank you' and then tasted it...a little bitter...but he didn't mention anything.

As he continued to drink, he found all the sugar at the bottom, now mixed in as syrupy coffee.

Yeah, I didn't STIR IN the sugar, just dumped it in LOL.

But how could I have known? I had never had a cup of coffee in my life, let alone made one.

And what's funnier is I didn't even technically make it, it was already in the pot. All I had to do was pour and stir, but I didn't even get that right!

This made me wonder to myself, "Am I cut out for a traditional 9-5 job?"

With all those stereotypes of interns or lower-entry level jobs bringing coffee to execs and other important people, I played out a scenario in my mind where I'd get fired just because I didn't know how to work the espresso machine. 

And even though I work well in groups, like to serve the greater good, and feel like a part of a team, I felt glimmers of the truth coming forward: you're not meant to work for someone else. 

That's kind of scary for a high-schooler to realize when all you've been told is go to school, get a job, retire. 

So I denied it in that instance and for the years to come. 

My guess is that, if you're reading this, you know you don't quite fit into that 9-5 box either. But maybe you're scared to jump out of it.

You'll never know if you don't if you're not an expert coffee maker, you don't like to commute, and you would rather not be told what to do, see if you can start something of your own.

Because in my humble non-coffee-making opinion, having your own business is the ultimate freedom.

All my love,


P.s. When people ask me if I drink coffee I tell them, "I AM coffee!" That always makes them laugh, and I also think it might be true...

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