The Quick Phrase That Will Help You Get Rid of Money Anxiety

As a coach and energy healer for women in business, I see people struggle with money anxiety all the time.

Even after big wins like landing a new client or renewing another, thoughts tend to come up like, "Where's the next one gonna come from?" or "It's not enough."

If you've ever thought these things, you're not alone. And it's not your fault! 

Our societal beliefs around money are a little f*cked. As if the amount you have now is insufficient. But if the feeling of 'it's never enough' doesn't go away, the growing and the going becomes tedious, instead of joyful.

My wish for you is to live in abundance now, not just when you have more. To feel safe and secure and ECSTATIC with whatever's in your bank account in this moment. That way, you open the channel for even more to come in.

When you try to feel grateful though, sometimes money anxiety still lingers, which is why I created this video.

Because hey, sometimes gratitude, money trees, and abundance spell candles aren't gonna cut it. 

Some juicy money goodness I share is...

  • My favorite money mantra of all time (and how it could change how you receive and spend money forever).

  • How money is like this very important body fluid (don't worry, it's not disgusting I promise LOL).

  • And how to invite more money into your life in a feel-good way.

Click here to watch and let me know what you think :)

All my love,


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