Breathe in with's good to feel good...
And's good to feel good...
In one more's good to feel good...
And out. That mantra speaks for itself doesn't it? I hope it brings you a big, deep sigh of relief because when you feel good, your mind quiets, your stomach relaxes, and you can do your best work.
For me, feeling good is the ultimate goal. Too often though, when the going gets good, I find myself creating problems or issues out of things that really aren't a problem at all.
Almost like feeling good can sometimes feel attached to a survival mechanism of scoping out for the next "problem" to arise.
Can you relate? That waiting for the next shoe to drop energy?
This phenomenon is linked to something called the Oscar Syndrome, and it's been well-documented. When you achieve high levels of success in one area of your life, sometimes you create problems in another.
The best example I can think of right now is Tiger Woods sabotaging his marriage when he was at an all-time career high.
Which is why I created this video. Because it doesn't have to be that way. You can have it all!
In this short video, I share...
A funny story about how I freaked out about something real dumb right before hitting the record button.
Why we create problems out of nothing and how to turn this around fast.
Two questions to ask yourself when you have a challenge in your life.
Click here to watch and let me know what you think :)
All my love,
If you’re new here, welcome! I’m so glad we’re connected! Just so you know, I send weekly blogs like this to my email list and sometimes don’t post it up on my website until awhile after. If you don’t wanna miss a thing, click here to sign up for that inbox party! There’s a few free welcome gifts on the inside :)