turn overwhelm into overjoy :)

The week before Thanksgiving, Angelo and I went up to Connecticut to visit my cousin and her family. My aunt and uncle, who I hadn't seen in at least seven years, were up North for the holidays. My other cousin came in to visit too and I honestly don't remember when I saw her last, but definitely over ten years ago.

It was a big, fat Northeastern family reunion, which felt equal parts amazing and overwhelming. I mean, ever since my Grandpa George passed away, the anchor of our family, seeing this side of the family became pretty sporadic.

My initial thoughts before we went were like will I know how to connect? Will I get along with my cousin's kids whom I've never met? Will my Uncle Jim say something ridiculous and inappropriate to Angelo? Spoiler alert YES.

But before I walked in the house, I decided to transmute the overwhelm into overjoy saying to myself, "Look how lucky I am to have family within driving distance and to be able to reconnect during the holidays. What a blessing."

That night, we retold stories about my grandparents, specifically about my Grandpa getting blown out of a foxhole and off a tank, surviving the Battle of the Bulge without a scratch (one of only six in his infantry that came out uninjured and still alive). We 'Lucht' out, you could say...

And if you're reading this, you lucked out too. You're alive. You're here. My love, you're part of a long ancestral lineage that connects you to this planet and the stars above. Mmm...yes.

No matter how you're spending the holidays this season, remember that overwhelm happens when we receive a lot of love, a lot of blessings.

One of my mentors always says it's a stress response to a lot of things going right. Which is why I created this video. Cuz overwhelm is a choice. And so is overjoy. Which one will you choose?

In this video I share...

  • How you can turn overwhelm into overjoy during the holidays.

  • An emotional story about the last time I saw my Grandpa George (still get teary-eyed telling it).

  • Simple ways to tune into your intuition and your ancestral lineage this season.

I hope this resonates for you and, if you're grieving someone this holiday season, here's a song that could help. It came on while I was writing this to you and something told me to put it in <3

All my love,


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