wearing a leotard to work...LOL

Is your work day fun?

Like is there an element of play in it?

If not, it's not your fault. We've been taught that being professional is the way to go, which traditionally means wearing black, or putting your hair back, or being a little more boring than you are with your friends.

But you know what I heard this weekend at an event I went to?

"Professional is a fancy word for patriarchy." 

WOAH. Total mic drop moment right? Still sends chills through my spine.

Because isn't telling women, or anybody really, how to act and not act, what to wear and not wear, and what to say and not say an outdated remnant of the past? You would think, but not quite yet.

And would it be possible to be professional, as in doing your job well, and still dance around the office? Wear your hair down and still be taken seriously? Go to work in a clown suit and still get the raise? Lol, pushing it with that last one...

Cuz let's face it: cutting off parts of ourselves isn't fun or natural. The parts that are magical, or that cuss, or that just don't quite "fit" in the boardroom, still BELONG in the boardroom because they bring LIFE into the world.

That is if we let it and say it and show up as our full selves. First step? Bring small elements of fun and play into what you do every day. 

Today, I'm sharing three easy and simple tips to do just that.

In this video, you'll discover how to powerfully set the tone for your day, a quick switch that can help you feel more fully expressed, and a mindset shift to make the boring things you "have to do" feel fun.

The world needs you lit up. Remember that whatever makes you feel more alive is always gonna pay off in the end.

To your fullest expression <3



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