Ever played that game?
Total THROWBACK right? Literally haven't thought about those 'kissing in the closet' shenanigans since I was 13...and I never participated cuz I wasn't invited to those "cool kid" parties, but always felt like maybe it'd be fun?
Either way, I'll save my lack of teenage macking stories for another time, but today, I want you to take a moment to feel what heaven means to you.
For me, heaven is when I'm out of my head and in my body, maybe sinking and melting into the grass, just did that before coming over here and writing to you, or rocking in a hammock...
Being still and deeply present...not thinking about what happened yesterday or what may happen tomorrow.
Which is why I created this video.
If you're like me and help others for a living, your presence is one of the most powerful things that can change people's lives.
So whether you're a teacher, coach, healer, or somebody who works with people in some capacity, this 7-minute meditation is for you.
Hope it gives you a WAY better taste of heaven than a Doritos-infused kiss with someone who has braces. HAHAHA just the thought of that makes me LAUGH.
All my love <3
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