I'm sitting in my childhood bedroom staring at the colorful jumbo map on my wall as I write to you...
Well I guess you could say teenage/early business/pandemic bedroom, cuz this is where I lived from the ages of 13-18...
And then again intermittently between the ages of 25-27 (when I left my job, took a year to travel, and a year to start my coaching business).
Oh yeah, and the nearly five months I spent here in 2020 cuz I got a gut hit to leave NY and go home.
Well it's been nine months since I've seen my parents and sister in person so it almost feels surreal to be back. Which is why I decided to take three weeks of vacation to process and be with my family.
No calls, no appointments (except for my haircut today cuz it's been almost two years!!!), just full presence with my family and friends in the area.
If you told me when I was 22 that I'd be working part-time, making great money, and taking large chunks of time away from work, I don't think I would've believed you.
Because back then, I thought to get more done, you'd have to spend more time doing. Well, sometimes to get more done, you have to spend more time doing nothing. The paradox of the creative age, am I right?
I know this from experience as a recovering overachiever who's super tapped into this work/life set up.
If you’ve ever met me, seen me dance and do my thang, vacation, travel, while STILL living this 3-hour work day life, you might ask "how do you do it?!"
Not to mention all the fun that comes from a life well lived…
That's why I'd love to invite you to apply for one of my coaching packages.
I share my top time-saving, money-generating tips and productivity hacks which I can promise you are life-changing.
Click here if you wanna get in on this <3
If you’re new here, welcome! I’m so glad we’re connected! Just so you know, I send weekly blogs like this to my email list and sometimes don’t post it up on my website until awhile after. If you don’t wanna miss a thing, click here to sign up for that inbox party! There’s a few free welcome gifts on the inside :)