Back in December of 2020, I had a very strong gut hit about something...
And it made absolutely no sense, but I knew I was meant to fly to Austin, Texas.
Even amidst a pandemic, and the craze of the holidays, my intuition kept nudging me to go see two women I've become soul friends with through a mastermind, Maria and Olga.
We had a week of online healing coming up and my heart knew I was meant to be with them through it all.
I told them about this gut hit two months prior...sometime in October and postponed my decision for as long as I could...ultimately booking the flight just one week before I flew down.
My dad, someone grounded in science and research, was nervous, which is why I didn't tell him, my mom, or my sister until I had finalized my decision.
And to be honest, I was nervous too. But deep down, my heart and soul knew that I'd be safe.
So I got dropped off at Newark airport on November 29th and flew down...
And I knew I was in the right place when Maria picked me up. Driving back to her home, we even passed a place called Bee Cave, which to me affirmed I had made the right decision (bees are my sign).
We had a week of sitting by the water, hearts open to the sun, and healing any energetic stuff that simply wasn't needed anymore.
If I told you that Maria is also the chillest person I know, it would be even more impressive to then tell you that she has two adolescent kids, clients left and right, and STILL keeps her calm.
Never once did I see her get overwhelmed by hosting me, having a packed schedule, cooking for the fam, and all other things with her business.
Which is why it’s so important to surround yourself with people who inspire you AND ground you.
Plus, after a year like we've had, there's nothing like an in-person space with women where you can physically hug, laugh, and cry with each other.
So if your heart is whispering for that, go out and create it.
And remember to always follow your body's compass honeybee.
All my love,
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