Ancestral Healing for Beginners

Have you ever felt closer to someone after they passed on?

Oddly (or so I thought), I feel that way about my Abuelita Blanca, my grandmother on my mom's side, and for awhile I felt like it might be weird to think that or say that out loud...

Then a friend of mine, whose dad transitioned last year, told me a few months after that she felt much closer to him than when he was alive, even though he was no longer in the physical form.

Why is this? Are we imagining things? Or is this soul connection real?

Spoiler alert: most of the time, it's real. Unless you're trying to recreate that middle school 'come back from the dead' Bloody Mary in the mirror stunt (anybody else remember that or was my grade just creepy? LOL).

How do I know? Because in the moments that you least expect guidance or signs from the people that came before you, you receive them. And that's what today's video is all about.

In it, I share...

  • What my grandpa said to me in my dream and how it healed both of us on a soul level.

  • Three simple ways to connect to your ancestors, even if you're a total beginner.

  • How to set the foundation to start doing ancestral healing work.

Click here to watch and I truly hope this helps you connect with whoever you want to develop a deeper soul relationship with <3

All my love,


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