How to Come Out of the Spiritual Closet

One of the first podcasts I ever did was with a host that was super Catholic...

I was raised Catholic, so I definitely felt connected to that vibe in some ways, but I've never been "super Catholic." I tried to be in middle school, seeking some sort of relationship with the divine, so I actually made an effort to read the bible, which isn't a common practice for most Catholics funnily enough...

But I think I read 10 or 20 pages and got bored (typical Gemini).

So when this host was interviewing me, I figured that yes, they were Catholic, but not restrictive to other possibilities...

I was wrong LOL.

At some point, while we were recording, I made a joke about how Boss Bitch (my branding at the time) and Boss Witch rhymed. A fleeting, insignificant moment...or so I thought.

Once we pressed the stop button, the host looked me straight in the eye and said, "You made a big mistake."

My first thought was oh, I cussed, oops. But it wasn't that. It was the fact that I said the word 'witch.'

Now's let's be clear. The root of the word 'witch' comes from the word wise and I think any wise woman who has a connection with something greater than herself could be defined as a witch.

Just like there's many different styles of teaching, there's a whole spectrum of 'witching', most of which is sourced in love energy.

But that experience made me start to hold back and start to feel like it wasn't ok to be public about my own spirituality...

...until I got up on the mic at a business event in October of 2021 and told this story in front of dozens of women, many of whom had experiences of their own when it came to being shut down spiritually. 

Soon after that, I brought energy healing to the forefront of my coaching business, which, until then, had been hiding behind the scenes. It's been one of the most liberating things I've ever done and I want you to feel liberated too...

Which is why I created this video

In it, I share...

  • How to come out of the spiritual closet, even if you're a little nervous.

  • A powerful story of when I coached a woman around being more vocal about her spiritual superpowers.

  • Energy healing techniques if your body starts to react at the thought of communicating your love of spiritual practices to other people.

Click here to watch and know that the right people will always accept you, whether you define yourself as spiritual or not <3

All my love,


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