energy healing for your heart 💚

As I write this, I'm sitting in my used-to-be Abuelita's room in Mexico. It smells the same, looks the same (except for the painted-pink walls lol), and has the same energy. An energy of fierce love and protection.

I've been sleeping here during my stay, my mom in the other room cuz she snores real loud LOL, and my Abuelito downstairs since he can't walk up here anymore. He's got his own room down there now.

Every single morning this past week, when I got up to use the bathroom, I would open the door and say good morning to abuela...

"Hola Abuelita, cómo estas?" or "Buenos días Abuelita, cómo amaneciste?"

It wasn't until a few days ago that my mom told me she passed in there, a mere five feet away from where I'm typing. Intuitively, I guess I already knew. I always said hello to her when I walked into that specific space.

That's how powerful energy is sometimes. Whether you're conscious of it or not, energy is the ever-flowing undercurrent of our thoughts, feelings, emotions, and actions.

And for my Abuelita, it's the main way she communicates with me and other people in our family. If she were to speak through me, the one thing she would say is this: "Cuida tu corazón." Take care of your heart. Heal your heart.

Whether you tend to your beautiful blood-pumping organ with nutritional food choices, physical exercise, therapy, energy healing, or whatever feels right for you, find a way to give it some extra care this week. Some extra TLC.

Because for her, that's what hits close to home and neglecting her heart space is what got her in the end. So here's a short video on this exact topic. Divinely aligned timing, am I right? <3

In it I share...

  • Embodied energy healing techniques that open up your heart chakra.

  • A story about how I mysteriously fractured my sternum in college. 

  • Ways to heal your heart energetically, emotionally, and physically. 

Click here to watch and let me know how your heart space feels after <3

De todo mi corazón,


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