How to Use a Pendulum

A few weeks ago, I was trying to decide whether or not to visit my mom in Mexico for her 60th birthday.

She's been down there since January taking care of my Abuelito, and because of other family health issues and rigid work requirements, none of her siblings can really take her place or switch her out.

Which means that, for almost six months now, she's been working remotely at her full-time job and also has this other full-time job making sure her dad is taken care of with doctor visits, collecting rent from his properties, etc.

Talk about a whirlwind, I'm gonna need to take her on vacation after this!

For the whole month of June, I'd been asking her if she wanted me to come down to celebrate her 60th and she kept saying that it wasn't necessary...

LOL I know my mom so well that I knew she was just saying that to not place any burden me, so I decided to make the decision with my pendulum.

If you've never heard of a pendulum before, most times it's a chain with a crystal on the end that you hold as you ask questions about what options are ideal. If it's a no, it goes sideways. If it's a yes, it moves back and forth.

When I asked if I should go down to see her for her birthday weekend, the pendulum was like YES. So I booked my flights immediately.

Days later, my mom called telling me that my Abuelito was diagnosed with pneumonia and the doctors aren't sure how long he'll last or if he'll recover...

So the pendulum was right. It was best for me to go down when I did. We celebrated her birthday with big balloons that said "60" and "MADE IN 1962", and I got to see my abuelo, even though he was in a delicate state.

Making guided decisions fast can be one of your superpowers, Kimberly. And trusting the guidance you receive, your intuition, and overall your decision once it's made is essential if you're gonna live a life with no regrets.

So if you wanna learn how to make fast and easy decisions when it counts, then this video is for you.

In it I share...

  • Where to get your own pendulum if you don't have one yet.

  • Exactly how to calibrate a pendulum so that it gives you clear answers.

  • The mind-blowing reason why it works so accurately and efficiently.

Click here to watch and let me know what decisions you make! 

All my love,


P.s. If you love this type of stuff and want more, you'd love the Queen Bee Hive. It's the perfect space to bring your entrepreneurial AND spiritual energy. Plus, I just sent pendulums to everyone in the group, love adding in surprise goodies! If you feel called, click here to apply :)

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