Rose Symbolism 🌹

The day after my abuelito passed away, my astrologer and friend, Ilona, pulled a couple cards for me.

She said, "I know it was your grandpa that passed, but a lot of feminine energy is coming through..."

When she showed me one of the cards, there were roses all over it. I laughed and told her that my abuela was with us and her name is Blanca Rosa.

Since then, roses have been showing up a lot, and it's become clear to me that she's claimed them as a symbol for her presence.

My abuelita has been gone for nine years now and I'm so grateful that we still have a spiritual relationship. I'll receive messages or guidance from her, but no images...until now.

Funnily enough, a few weeks before my abuelo passed, I created a video about an energy healing technique inspired by the rose. There are no coincidences of course, but this blew my mind.

If you want to embody more shakti, divine feminine, and intuitive energy, using this rose-inspired technique will help.

In this video, I share...

  • An energy healing technique to soften pain, tension, or tightness in any area of the body.

  • How to energetically release in the heart space using the rose as inspiration. 

  • An invitation to a special event I'm hosting soon, eee! 

Click here to watch and here's to more gentle unfurling, bud to blossom, no-rush-to-bloom energy.

All my love,


P.s. Mark your calendars for 11/11/22 because I'll be hosting a new live event in NYC on how to become an Energy QueenTickets are officially here! And early bird pricing available for a limited time <3

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