This happened in Guatemala...

About two weeks ago, I was in Guatemala with my friend Kourtney, who had lived there to do reporting work in 2014.

She knew the ropes, so we started out in Antigua then went on to a place called Panajachel. It was right on Lake Atitlan, which is surrounded by stunning volcanoes. Truly a maravilla as we say in Spanish. 

A day before we left to go back home, we were laying by the pool when I started to not feel so good (we always know what happens in movies when people say that ahaha).

I asked Kourtney if she could go get me some of the antacid tablets I had leftover from my trip to Cuba years ago LOLZ.

But it was too late...

Minutes after I took one, I slowly got up and walked to the nearest trashcan I could find. It was one of those with a yeah...not my finest moment...

I'll spare you the rest of the details, because you've probably been there in some way, shape, or form...

But it was one of those times in my life that I wish I could just be better

Healthy and able to eat something other than saltines and Gatorade HA.

This is why I include health abundance as one of my five pillars of abundance, the THRIVING FIVE as I call them. And I explain what they are and how to integrate them in this video.

In it, I share...

  • The pillars of abundance that will set you up for joy, freedom, and fulfillment in your life and business.

  • Simple ways to enhance each pillar, especially the time and financial abundance pillars.

  • Questions that will bring you a new sense of peace, gratitude, and clarity.

Click here to watch, and remember that when you feel abundant, you're able to light up the whole world with that energy.

All my love,


P.s. If you want even more abundance in your life, you'll love my new masterclass. Totally free, totally value-packed, and all about how to create an abundance of cash, clients, and freedom in your business. Yes!

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