"you didn't tell me THAT part!"

Recently I was in Florida for a high school friend's 30th birthday and I had just met one of her friends from college.

Earlier that day she asked me what I did and I told her I was a coach and energy healer for women in business. She was like, "That's so cool!"

And then we probably went out to go boating or something.

Later on, my friend was telling her that I only work three hours a day. She turned to me and said, "You didn't tell me THAT part!"

I laughed and told her that it's pretty nice. In fact, it might be one of the best parts of what I do and how I do it...

That time abundance is truly EVERYTHING. Couple that with financial abundance and you've hit a sweet spot!

Because no matter what industry you're in, whether you're in corporate or an entrepreneur, the two main concerns I hear are 'I don't have the time' or 'I don't have the money.' Hell, sometimes both!

It's time to change all of that starting now, wouldn't you agree?

Sign up for my new free masterclass to learn how :)

All my love,


P.s. If you still haven't gotten a chance to watch my Abundant Coach masterclass, do yourself a favor and carve out some time to do it now. Your future self will thank you!

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