this magically disappeared 💫

Have you ever had a habit, thought, or belief system on loop that you didn't think would ever go away?

Self-sabotaging behaviors, procrastination, imposter syndrome, or laying awake in bed at night unable to sleep and questioning everything about your life LOL. Ever experienced any of that on repeat?

When I studied psychology in college, I was fascinated by the way neural pathways are formed in the mind. In simple terms, the more you do something, the wider and deeper a neural pathway gets.

And then, as time goes by, we do, say, or think the same things, and sometimes those are things that help us thrive!

But when those habitual patterns aren't so beneficial, it can seem like the neural pathway gets so deep that we fall in and can't get out.

In cases like this, talking about it, complaining about it, or ruminating on it can make the neural pathway even deeper (neurons that fire together, wire together), which is why accessing a deeper, more energetic, subconscious way of dealing with it can help. 

A great example of this is my work with Allison Gower, a writer and creative strategist who had some very specific and persistent energetic blocks around reaching new levels of success in her career.

Here's her beautiful testimony...

"I've never experienced anything like energy healing with Kimberly. She knew how to tap into feelings, blocks, and resistances I didn’t even know I had and help me work through, then release them. I’ve done therapy. I’ve done journaling. I’ve read many personal development books. But what Kim does in a session is mind-blowing and all about tuning into our bodies to access peace, gentleness and true acceptance.

It blows my mind the very specific ways my life has changed because of my sessions with Kimberly.
There are blocks I had for years and fears that were truly impacting my life that only finally moved after sessions with Kimberly. There was a specific session I will never forget. I was in the backyard on Zoom (because her sessions are just as powerful virtually!) and there was a deep-rooted years-long, subconscious fear that kept coming up as procrastination or making myself small.

After that session, I’ve never had that fear arise again. Truly. I've made so many leaps and decisions with true peace and joyful confidence
because of that fear being gone and that is thanks to the queen herself, Kimberly Lucht. Her ability to read people, to FEEL them, to listen so actively and then understand that one specific question they need. She's asked the most concise, poignant questions that I honestly don't know where I'd be today without. Anyone who gets to work with her and be in her presence will be so grateful."

The best part? Neither of us were expecting it to be that easy. But that's the magic of energy healing. Almost as if we waved a wand and said bippity boppity boo.

My dad, who's a quantum physicist, tells me that what I do makes sense, even though science can't fully grasp what's going on just yet, but I'll share more about that later...

For now, I want you to take an honest look at how you're feeling right now. Are you totally in love and aligned with the way you show up in the world emotionally, mentally, and physically? 

If not, I truly hope you join me inside Energy Queen.

All my love,


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