Twerking & Manifesting 🍑

Yesterday I took my first twerkshop, and it was so. much. FUN. For a few months now, I've been wanting to jump back into regular in-person dance classes...

So on Monday I took ballet, Tuesday twerking with some friends, and tonight Angelo and I are taking a Brazilian Zouk class. Here. we. GO!

In that twerk class (thank you Vero for inviting me), I saw how the mechanics of a dance class are so similar to manifesting.

You set the intention to move your bootay a certain way, then take inspired action to emulate your super twerkstar instructor, and there you are with your own manifestation of that movement. Magic!

That plus the element of FUN and HILARITY (aka feeling good) that came with the whole thing made it an even smoother ride.

Our instructor said things like, "Shine your butthole up to Jesus!" and "Shake all the jiggly bits!" HAHAHA. What a treasure chest of twerk.

Manifesting isn't much different. And if there's something you've been wanting to bring into your reality, whether that's twerk stardom or more cash money in your account, this video is for you...

In it, I share...

  • A story of how I recently won a prize worth thousands of dollars.

  • Three crucial steps to manifest super cool things into your life.

  • Root meanings of the word manifest (this is fascinating)!

Click here to watch and I'm curious, what's the coolest thing you've ever manifested?

I'd love to know <3



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