when your elders turn into spirits 💫

On Monday, my abuelito passed away.

My last grandparent, my last elder.

Tears streaming down my face as I write...

His decline was just too hard to fight.

They tell me not to push through.

To be honest about what it's come to.

Move through it until emotions smooth.

But between me and you...

...sometimes I just wanna hide the truth.

Grieve in private. Alone.

Without anyone knowing that...

...he's passed on.

There is a bright side.

He's joined his love and light...

My abuela, in the afterlife.

Lovebirds are meant to fly.

So let them fly. Fly free.

And maybe one day I'll fly alongside.

Until then, I wanna say adios y gracias.

Porque si no fuera por ti, no estaría aqui.

Te llevo en mi alma para siempre abuelo.

Que descanses en paz. Te amo.

Tu nieta,


P.s. Thank you for being here, for witnessing me in this grief today. My hope is that, if you're also grieving someone, no matter how recent or how long it's been, that you can resonate with my words, my emotions, the reality of this beautiful life we live. I'll be flying to Mexico tomorrow and will be taking a small break from emailing. Thank you for understanding and know that I'm always with you in spirit.

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