Yesterday I was at the Brooklyn Bridge Park with some friends and two of them were feeling some big emotions around challenging life and business situations.
In moments like this, I step in if I feel called and help them clear the energy. Emotion is just energy in motion, after all, and it's easier to move than you might think.
So we were sitting in a circle on the grass, overlooking the skyline, and one of my friends had a lot of sadness coming up around a relationship.
I stepped in after some time and intuitively knew to focus on her heart space.
After I did some clearing she said, "What did you do? I felt energy rise and open me up!" I smiled and said, "It's my magic."
Later that evening, another friend was having a difficult situation with a client and she asked me for some help.
We talked about it, dove into the body, and afterwards she said that her back pain went away instantly. She even felt like I pulled something out of her throat.
This is my magic. This is my healing power. And I truly believe you have access to this healing ability too, even if you're a beginner.
And because lots of people have asked me questions like "what did you do?" or "how did you do that?", I created a little video to show you.
In this video, I share...
Three techniques to relieve headaches (and any other pain).
How to energetically release tension in the jaw and neck area.
A low down on "what I do" to clear energy and how you can too.
Click here to watch, give it a try, and let me know how it goes for you!
All my love,
P.s. Mark your calendars for 11/11/22 because I'll be hosting a new live event on how to become an Energy Queen. Just visited the venue yesterday and tickets will be available soon! More deets to come <3
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