Get in this Hive ๐Ÿ

Yesterday, I was on the Queen Bee Hive call and we tried something new together...ten minutes of channeling while we were live!

I played flute music and we all went off camera and on mute to unleash our best work onto the page.

After we came back together, ideas for workshops were set, a retreat was outlined, and a date was even claimed for a future women's circle. Simple, focused action on the call with live coaching and workshopping to follow.

Not only were some important dreams officially on paper, they were claimed. They were given space to come alive!

And that is part of the magic of this hive. This is a place where we breathe LIFE into your biggest business dreams then show you how to get there. Not only that, but you get all of this juicy goodness!

  • Two Monthly 90-Minute Group Calls with Me for a Year: This is where the hive comes alive and where so many magical breakthroughs happen. Get ready to mastermind and grow together! ($2,500 value)

  • 1:1 Queen Bee Quarterly Sessions: Four 30-minute sessions with me to get laser-focused coaching or healing so that you're super clear on your direction and on how to move forward ($1,500 value)

  • First dibs on any in-person events I host which in the past have been in NYC with amazing groups of women ($1,000 value)

  • Queen Bee Retreat (limited time bonus): We'll get together in-person for an all-inclusive experience. ($1,000 value)

  • Access to all my online programs including Rich & Soulful Coach, Energy Queen, and anything else I cook up during the year ($1,000 value)

  • A private WhatsApp community with ongoing support, targeted feedback, and juicy voice memos from me ($500 value)

  • Special surprises and gifts that I throw in just because (Priceless)

If you've been on the fence for awhile now, not sure if this investment would be worth it or not, I want you to think about your life a year from now...

Let's imagine things keep going as they are right now, good, but maybe not exactly what you deeply desire...nothing changes when nothing changes right? And that's not what you want this time next year.

And maybe, the thought of you lying in bed awake at night wondering if this is all there is for you is enough to know that something's gotta shift.

Instead of just hoping that one day you can tap into the money, honey spot and uncover a life that's a full expression of you...

With cash flowing in, laughter surrounding you, and your work serving the people who need you most...

You can put a plan into place today and take action to make that your reality by joining the Queen Bee Hive.

This is your time to claim what's for you, Kimberly. Whether you need support expanding your business or figuring out how to start one, this is your space.

Sign up here <3

All my love,


If youโ€™re new here, welcome! Iโ€™m so glad weโ€™re connected! Just so you know, I send weekly blogs like this to my email list and sometimes donโ€™t post it up on my website until awhile after. If you donโ€™t wanna miss a thing, click here to sign up for that inbox party! Thereโ€™s a few free welcome gifts on the inside :)