I wanna feel more like Sandy Cheeks! 😴 🐿️

Do you like Spongebob?

If so, let's be best friends cuz for me, it's one of those childhood obsessions that I don't think I'll ever kick right alongside Lisa Frank and Britney Spears LOL.

Luckily, my cousin Michelle decided to come celebrate Thanksgiving with my fam bam this past week and, although we're the oldest cousins on my Mexican side of the family, sometimes we act like the youngest HA.

Apart from reliving random YouTube videos from 2007, singing VeggieTales songs to each other, and staying up until 2am talking every night, we also watched SPONGEBOB.

In one episode, Sandy Cheeks (a Texan squirrel who at the beginning of the series decided to live underwater for anyone who doesn't know or who blacked it out) was hibernating.

'Twas cold and snowy in her oxygenated air home and she was snoozing away while Spongebob and Patrick were up to their usual shenanigans, which basically means they were being silly yet annoying dipshits lol.

Watching that made me smile because during this season, I can relate to Sandy Cheeks. I wanna be cozy, sleep in, be moderately undisturbed, and enjoy the restful winter energy that nature gives us every year.

The main thing stopping me from doing that? The fact that sometimes the holidays can make winter feel more like a stress mess!

During Thanksgiving week, when all I wanted to do was cuddle up, eat a bunch, and laugh with my loved ones, I spent a lot of time wrapping gifts, driving to and from the airport, cooking up a storm...

...putting up the Christmas tree with everyone, shopping at an actual mall on Black Friday (oh, the nostalgia!), organizing a celebration for two December birthdays in the family (my dad turned 70 today!), and so on. 

I wanna feel more like Sandy Cheeks, goshdarnit (read that in a Texan accent lol)! If you feel the same way, then you're gonna love this hibernation meditation.

In it, you'll...

- Tune into your own version of cozy hibernation energy. 
- Connect with your body and prepare it for winter.  
- Infuse the restoration of this season into your day.

Watch it on YouTube and enjoy the cuddling up vibes <3 

Love and hugs, 


P.s. What's your favorite childhood show? Comment below and let me know, I'm curious! 

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