nectar vibes 🌸

Recently, I've been walking around the city a lot more, letting the cool, supple spring breeze blow through my hair. I hear more birds chirping, more kids playing outside, more life all around. It's springtime baby. Literally cuz tonight marks the official Spring Equinox! I love to look towards nature during this time to see how they brush off the winter hibernation energy and currently, I'm inspired by the bees. Apparently, it's the busiest time of year for bees because flowers begin to bloom and there's more nectar to play with! They start collecting that nectar and producing honey in March and April, so pretty much right now. Coincidentally, I pulled this card last week so I wanted to share it with you.

And I have a question: what's the nectar in your life that you could turn into honey this season? The gifts that you have inside that can serve the world and bring more abundance into your life?

Because if the bees have taught me anything, it's that a lot of magic can come from a loving devotion to the "nectar" or whatever your highest desire, potential, or priority feels like right now.

So if this spring season you wanna amp up the devotion to your business, bring in more money honey, and join a human version of the beehive, then you'll love my program the Queen Bee Hive.

It's my group coaching program where I help spiritual entrepreneurs make more money and feel like honey and we do it just like bees would: as a collective.

Bees thrive in a hive and I like to think that we do too. You go out, collect your nectar, and we create the honey (aka money, magic, and liquid gold) together!

If you're craving more of that in your life, go here to sign up for the Queen Bee Hive and I'll see you inside <3

All my love,


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