I can't believe I used to do this to lizards...

This morning, I took 15 minutes after my shower to sit in my chair and stare at the water...

Boats passing by, birds flying overhead, full and deep presence.

It reminded me of when I used to live in Texas between the ages of 6 and 10.

We had a pretty big backyard (yes everything really is bigger in Texas) and two circular wooded areas that I used to trek through.

I would completely lose track of time in that space...discovering new leaves, bugs, rocks...

There was even a little thing we Texan kids would do, pulling things that maybe we shouldn't...

Like pulling the tails off of little green lizards or pulling love bugs apart LOL...seems a little horrifying but no blood involved I promise.

I just hope it was painless...I was told the lizards grow back a new tail (not sure if that's true...gonna Google that now).

Here's what Google says (and omg I'm laughing): "Lizards take the term fight-or-flight to a whole new level. When pulled by predators, lizards shed their tails in response. This self-amputation is called autotomy. The severed tail continues to wiggle for about 30 minutes."

I REMEMBER that wiggling tail. OMG lizards take survival to a whole new level y'all! Ain't no match for those Texan kids.

Anyways, I thought, with summer coming up, you could use some of those Texas nature vibes.

No one should have their primary physical contact from pulling apart lizards and love bugs HA omg I'm laughing so hard LOL.

But hey, if you’re able to get out and breathe in some fresh air, do it. It shifts everything <3

All my love,


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