It's 12:34pm on a Friday as I write to you and I'm about to hit weekend status pretty much after I send this.
But before I do, here's a short and quick e-mail about two recent Well + Good articles I'm featured in...
10 Unique Things You Can Do to Boost Your Mood and Release Stress in Just 5 Minutes (tops)
Here’s How To Ace a Remote Job Interview—Because Zoom Isn’t Going Anywhere (great for podcast or TV interviews too y'all)
Oh and about the one will ever complain about an e-mail that's too short. Laura Belgray always brings forth this genius reminder.
So that's all folks! Bugs Bunny and Looney Tunes are popping in my head now...hahaha omg I miss Saturday cartoons.
But I digress. Enjoy your weekend and keeps things short and sweet when you feel like it. It's truly a win win for everyone!
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